sunday worship

"we seek to worship god extravagantly and, as a result, to be his people more faithfully and to serve our neighbors more lavishly."   Marva j. dawn

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Worship is intended to engage our hearts and to help us encounter God. What we do in worship is not disconnected from the rest of life; it shapes how we live and love.

Zion offers two worship experiences during the regular season (September to June). In the summer, one combined worship service is offered. Service times are listed on the home page.


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The contemporary worship experience blends current music styles and hymns of faith with different forms of creative expression (i.e. media, drama, and visual art) to support the message. 

TRADITIONAL at 11:15am

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The traditional worship experience embraces the hymns of faith that many of us grew up with, incorporating piano, organ and chancel choir to support the message.