Polarizing divide

by Pastor Rick Miller

We are living in polarizing times. The divide is deep and the issues are complex.

How do followers of Jesus navigate this tumultuous time in history? There are two

important biblical truths that help ground us and from which we can move forward

in this time of upheaval.

Love and pray for your enemies. Jesus said, “But I tell you, love your enemies, and

pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your Father in

heaven” (Mt. 5:44). Jesus commands us to love our political, national, religious,

doctrinal, and personal enemies. We are to love as we have been loved. God is the

greatest enemy-lover of all time (Ro. 5:10). The only way to begin loving our

enemies is to pray for them until we feel something of Jesus’ love for them. God will

change our hearts and minds when we obey the command to love and pray for our

enemies. If we want to grow into maturity, we must fall to our knees in poverty of

spirit, praying for God’s love (Ro. 5:5) until Jesus births this love and prayer in our


Look for and pray for God’s government to come. In the prayer which Jesus

taught us (Mt. 6:9-13) we are instructed to pray that God’s kingdom come. The

world needs to know and experience God. We are to pray that God’s kingdom, which

is both now and not yet, will break into the present – bringing

truth and grace,

forgiveness and mercy,

peace and joy,

life and love,

healing and hope,

beauty and justice.

In doing so, we remember the temporary and fallen nature of every earthly

government or political party.

Jesus said we are salt and light. The world needs us to be Jesus, the body of Christ,

and to engage in the public discourse; but not in the old way, with fear or anger,

with crusades or culture wars, but with gentleness and respect, in a non-anxious

posture, and with dignity for all.